Business & Professional Exchange Employment Application

Personal Information

First Name: Last Name:
Address: City: State: Zip
Phone: Alt. Phone: Best time to call:

Are you currently employed?
Have you applied with Business & Professional Exchange before?


Are you available to work weekends?
Are you available to work Holidays?
Do you a have reliable internet connection?

Business & Professional Exchange schedules TSR's 24 hours a day.
Please use the form below to note your availability. This would be the earliest time you can Start work, to the latest time you could end a shift.
Special consideration is given to those who have availability for both Saturday and Sunday.
New Availability Request Form
Day of Week Available
The earliest you can get here till the latest you can stay
This is in general, and not pertaining to a single shift.
Start Date
Maximum Hours per Week Minimum Hours per Week
Maximum Hours per Shift Minimum Hours per Shift
Days per Week Split Shifts per Week


High school Name: Did You Graduate: Dates Attended: Subjects Studied:
College Name: Did You Graduate: Dates Attended: Major:
Other Name: Did You Graduate: Dates Attended: Subjects Studied:

Employment History

Employer: Salary: Position:
From: To: Supervisor's Name: Phone:

Employer: Salary: Position:
From: To: Supervisor's Name: Phone:

Employer: Salary: Position:
From: To: Supervisor's Name: Phone:

Employer: Salary: Position:
From: To: Supervisor's Name: Phone:

Rate your computer proficiency:

Do you have any questions about this job?

By submitting this form to Business & Professional Exchange, Inc. you certify that the facts contained within this application are true and complete to the best of your knowledge, and understand that falsifying information within this application is grounds for dismissal, if employed. You authorize investigation of all statements contained herein, and authorize all references and previous employers listed to give any and all information they have pertaining to previous employment, or deemed pertinent to future employment with Business & Professional Exchange, Inc, and release Business & Professional Exchange, Inc. or any authority operating there under from any liability for any damages that may result from the utilization of such information. You are also certifying that you understand and agree that no representative of Business & Professional Exchange, Inc. has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized company representative.